Monday, February 2, 2015

Equality for All

Recently in class we finished a unit on the Woman’s reform and how in the mid-19th century this movement was started in an attempt to gain equality for women.  our essential questions for this lesson were, How did mid­-19th century  American society react to women's demands for  equality? Does 21st century society still react  differently to men and women?we started our lesson by looking at an image called the sphere or women, and analyzed it highlighting all the jobs of a women were represented in the picture.  We  read, The intimately oppressed to get a better understanding of the rights that women had during the time period. We also read, Laws and practices to get a better understanding of the rights that women had during the time period. Lastly we looked at articles for the Seneca Falls Convention to learn about what action that women took during the movement.  During the woman's reform women were treated differently than men and there were many different views upon equality for women, and their roles in society.

illustration from Godey's  Lady's Book, March  1850 Found at: http:// whw/workshop/ untitled1.html  acsessed, Febuary 2,

In the mid-19th century women were treated very differently than men. It was believed that it was a woman's job to stay home and take care of the house and family. A women had the responsibilities of taking are of children as well as teaching them, especially daughters for they didn't go to school like young boys did. Along with taking care of any kids a woman also had to take of any pets. She was in charge of making clothes for the family, as well as fixing them. However, if a woman wanted to get a job outside of the house the only one that was available was a teacher, and often times she would get paid significantly less than a man doing the same job. There were many different views and opinions about women's equality, and while some supported woman's equality others believed that women should stick to their specific gender roles. the Oneida Whig states, “If our ladies will insist on voting and legislating, where gentlemen, will be our dinners and elbows?” This quote proves that many were against the woman's reform because they strongly believed that all women should stay home so that they can cook and clean and take care of the family. While some feared what would happen if women didn't stay with their gender specific role, and strongly didn't support the reform, others who did support the expansion of woman's rights. in The National Reformer it states, “They may ridicule, but not reason away the facts and arguments there set forth.” This quote shows that the people who supported woman's rights believed that all women deserve to be treated equally, and that men can ridicule them, and they can believe that don't deserve to be treated equally, but they don't have any good reasons against why women should be equal.

While women role in society today has changed greatly from what it was in the mid-19th century, 21st century society still views women and men very differently. in the Pantene commercial, "Labels Against Women" the different views of men and women are portrayed. while i don't agree with all of the circumstance in the video, i do believe that some of them are common in society today. I agree that a woman working a full time job with a young child and a man doing the same is viewed differently. the women is thought of as selfish because she has a child to take care of and she is staying up late to finish her work, leaving her with less energy to take care of the child, whereas the man is viewed as dedicated because he has a child to take care of and he is still spending time that he could be resting trying to do his job to earn money for the family. one of the circumstances that i don't agree is prevalent in society today is the man and women politician who are viewed as persuasive versus pushy. this commercial does a good job of showing how differently men and women are perceived and how people label them. Although we have come along way on the road to equality for men and women from the mid-19th century men and women are still treated differently in today's society.

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