Monday, November 10, 2014

Success or Failure

We recently did a unit about the revolutions of 1830 and 1848. To answer our essential question, and decide whether or not each revolution was a failure or not, we split into groups and were each assigned one of the revolutions. After reading an introduction as well as primary source documents about our assigned revolution we answered a few questions such as, where and when the revolution took place, the goals, opponent and outcome of the revolution, and whether it was a success or a failure. Then after learning about our revolution we made a survey with a few questions for our classmates to complete. My group's revolution was the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.

The Hungarian Revolution took place in Austria in 1848. The goals of this revolution was to make Hungary an independent country from Austria,and to write a constitution to protect national rights. "Our task is to found a happier future on the brotherhood of all the races in Austria For a union enforced by bayonets and police spies let us substitute the enduring bond of a free constitution.” In this quote the author is telling the Austrians his ideas, and what the goals of the revolution are.The nationalists of the revolution were led by Louis kossuth. The opponents of these nationalists were the Austrian empire, Russian troops and Metternich. The outcome of this revolution was that thier gain was temporary until Austrian troops regained controll of Vienna and Prague. With Russia's help they destroyed Budapest, many were imprisoned, killed or exiled."We dissolve the Diet by this our Decree; so that after the publication of our present Sovereign Rescript, the Diet has immediately to close its Session." This quote describes the events of the revolution, and the outcome in which it caused. Overall the revolution was a partial success and a partial failure. It was partially a failure because their gain only lasted temporarily. However it was also a partial success because they defeated Budapest. Our survey asked questions about many of these ideas, and overall the class learned from it, for the majority of the class got most of the questions correct. this is one of the questions that everyone answered correctly. the question asked, “who led the Hungarian nationalists in Budapest?” the answer to this question was, Louis Koussouth.

This next question was  a true or false question that asked that stated, “The declaration of Hungary was unanimously adopted by the Hungarian parliament.” The correct answer was true and all but one person answered this question correctly.

I think that the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 were all complete failures as historians have concluded. Out of all the revolutions, only one, the Decembrist revolt, was a complete failure. Each of the other revolutions were mostly successful and only partially a failure, or mostly a failure but also partially a success. one revolution that was partially a success was the 1830 French revolt. when king Louis xviii died his younger brother, Charles x , inherited the throne, however the citizens disagreed with his beliefs. Charles the x fled, and Louis Philippe was now king. Louis phillipe got along well with the citizens and he did a lot to benefit his people, for example expanding suffrage. the goal to expand the rights to vote were achieved, however only for some people, not all.  Another revolution that was also a partial success was the Frankfurt assembly. delegates at the assembly debated whether germany should be a republic or a monarch, and whether or not to include Austria in the united German state. Germany became united, however Prussia’s Frederick William refused to take the throne.  Overall, historians believe that the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 were all together failures, however many of them each had some positive outcomes.  

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