Thursday, March 19, 2015

Division From Slavery

For this lesson we covered the topic if the election of 1860, and hoe it was affected by slavery and the divisions in which it caused. Our essential question was, how were the results of the election of 1860 representative of the deep division over slavery? Before the civil war the country was divided by views on slavery, which by looking at the map of the results of the election of 1860 it is clear that the north and west supported Lincoln who was anti-slavery, and the south supported Breckenridge who was pro-slavery. The middle region of the country supported Douglas and bell. Douglas supported popular sovereignty and bell believed in keeping everything the same. The clear separation between the northern and southern states indicate that the election of 1860 was representative of the deep division over slavery.

In class we used Educreations to make a video about the events that took place leading up the the election. Before we could create this project we first watched a crash course video by John Green on the topic, and then did research on a website called, Civil War in Art where we analyzed artwork and took notes on how it connected to the event in which it represented. Lastly we compiled the information we gathered along with the artwork to create a short documentary.

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